Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A trip to Cameron highlands

Each part of Cameron Highlands has its own individual charm and attractions, and together they combine to provide all the ingredients for a memorable holiday, no matter what your interest or what time of the year.
Fruits and vegetables like tomatos, cabbages, oranges and strawberries grow fresh and healthy in the cool climate and fertile soils of the highlands. You can buy them either at the various markets or the farms which are located throughout the highlands.(of course my mother buy alot alot alot...'.")
Flower Nurseries

Cameron Highlands is Malaysia's leading producer of fresh flowers.
At the flower gardens and nurseries, be dazzled with the mix of colors and species being grown here.
A weird species of flower..
"Monkey cup/ pitcher plant"
Strawberry Farms
Strawberries farms can be found almost everywhere in Cameron Highlands. All offer locally grown strawberries and home made strawberry jams and a very cheap price. Some strawberry farms will let you pluck your own strawberries and charge you according to the weight
Fresh Strawberries..

Strawberry cheesecake

looks like candy floss, rite??

Me and my mother

"Mickey Mouse !!!"

Boh Tea Plantations
No trip to Cameron Highlands would be complete without a trip to the tea plantations.
This is one of the main attraction that most people visit in the highlands

1 comment:

Anson said...

i tink is alvin kua...haha..